Lucy's Default Points
Lucy's Inner Voices Primary & Secondary Attributes
Primary Attributes (7 & above)
[10] Logic - Good at solving puzzles & able to put one and one together
[8] Drama - Good at spotting lies & is a good liar themselves
[7] Authority - Megalomaniac mindset. Constantly determined to get what they want
[7] Addict - Strong urges towards specific vices & thoughts. Drugs, alcohol & sex
Secondary Attributes (5 & Above)
[6] Endurance - Physical body endurance & overall tolerance & resiliency
[5] Confidence - Self-assured, comes off as assertive in nature
[5] Persuasion - Expert in the art of persuasion. Good at arguments
[5] Composure - Ability to keep their shit together. Unbreakable will
[5] Brave - Ability to overcome a fear of new things. Relentless in the face of danger