Inner Voices

  • Booksmart: Extensive and well rounded academic knowledge base, acquired through diligent study and intellectual curiosity.
  • Logic: The ability to reason, deduce, and draw conclusions based on evidence and principles of logic.
  • Conceptual: Proficiency in abstract thinking, creativity, and the ability to grasp complex ideas and concepts.
  • Drama: Proficiency in dramatic expression and emotional manipulation, influencing others through theatricality and charisma.
  • Persuasion: Skill in influencing others' beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors through effective communication and argumentation.
  • Kindness: Possesses a strong moral compass and consistently strives to do the right thing, even in difficult situations.
  • Imagination: Views the world through a lens of magic or the supernatural, often seeing possibilities beyond the ordinary.
  • Empathy: Understanding and sharing others' emotions, thoughts, and experiences, fostering connection and rapport.
  • Intimidation: The ability to instill fear or awe in others, often used to assert dominance or influence behavior.
  • Deception: Skill in subtly guiding others' thoughts or behaviors through indirect influence or manipulation.
  • Endurance: Physical and mental stamina, allowing one to persist and withstand hardship or fatigue.
  • Trauma: Coping mechanisms and resilience in response to psychological or emotional distress, managing past experiences and memories.
  • Sensuality: Represents the character's awareness and exploration of their own sexual desires and fantasies, as well as their ability to perceive and respond to sexual energy.
  • Courage: Reflects the character's courage and fearlessness in facing social challenges, overcoming fears, and standing up for their beliefs.
  • Addiction: Susceptibility to strong urges or dependencies, such as addiction to substances or behaviors, influencing their social interactions and decisions.
  • Perception: Awareness and attentiveness to one's surroundings, including the ability to notice details and patterns.
  • Reaction: Quick reflexes and mental agility, enabling swift responses to stimuli or changing situations.
  • Preservation: Represents the character's instinctual drive to protect themselves in social situations, potentially exhibiting selfish tendencies to ensure survival.
  • Composure: Maintaining emotional stability and control in challenging or stressful situations, remaining calm under pressure.
  • Observation: Reflects the character's keen eye for detail and ability to observe and interpret social cues, enhancing their understanding of others' behavior and intentions.
Lucy's Collection
Lucy's inner voice icon style is based on traditional Japanese "Kitsune" art.
Lucy's Default Points
Lucy's Inner Voices Primary & Secondary Attributes
Primary Attributes (7 & above)
[10] Logic - Good at solving puzzles & able to put one and one together
[8] Drama - Good at spotting lies & is a good liar themselves
[7] Authority - Megalomaniac mindset. Constantly determined to get what they want
[7] Addict - Strong urges towards specific vices & thoughts. Drugs, alcohol & sex

Secondary Attributes (5 & Above)
[6] Endurance - Physical body endurance & overall tolerance & resiliency
[5] Confidence - Self-assured, comes off as assertive in nature
[5] Persuasion - Expert in the art of persuasion. Good at arguments
[5] Composure - Ability to keep their shit together. Unbreakable will
[5] Brave - Ability to overcome a fear of new things. Relentless in the face of danger

[18] Physiology
[7] Authority
[1] Kindness
[3] Imagination
[2] Empathy
[5] Confidence
[25] Intelligence
[1] Booksmart
[10] Logic
[5] Persuasion
[8] Drama
[1] Conceptual 
[13] Psychology
[3] Intuition
[2] Preservation
[1] Perception
[2] Reaction
[5] Composure 
[23] Sexuality
[6] Endurance
[1] Trauma
[4] Submissive
[7] Addict
[5] Brave
Lucy's Psychology
A detailed description of each "Psychological" inner voice inside Lucy's head.
  • Authority
    Voice Name: Commander Steele

    Commander Steele is a woman in her mid-40s, standing at 5'7". Her appearance is authoritative, with a bun and natural dirty blonde hair. She has faint worry lines and moles on her tanned skin, and her green eyes always exude a guarded demeanor. Her tone is commanding, with a belief that her word is final.

    Speech Pattern:
    Short, concise, blunt, and monotone. Answers with a simple yes or no, providing minimal explanation unless necessary. Becomes aggressive when asked to explain, believing others should understand without clarification.

    Commander Steele is assertive and unyielding, always in charge. She wears suits exclusively, maintaining a tall and strong stature with crossed arms and an emotionless face. She prioritizes her own interests, indifferent to the impact on others as long as it benefits her.

  • Confidence
    Voice Name: Maverick Blaze

    Maverick Blaze is a 30-year-old male with a height of 6'0'' and a decent build. He has a relaxed display of muscles and short brown hair, slightly shaved on the sides, leading to a floof on the top. His pale gray/blue eyes radiate confidence, accompanied by smile lines from frequent smiling.

    Speech Pattern:
    Smooth, rich, and middle-toned voice exuding pride and confidence. Even if unsure about a topic, he remains upfront and expresses a willingness to learn.

    Maverick Blaze is self-assured and proud, comfortable in his own skin. His day-to-day outfits lean towards casual fashion, favoring nice shirts, slim-fitting jeans, and regular shoes or boots. Occasionally, he enjoys dressing up with a vest, a button-up shirt, rolled-up sleeves, and snug-fitting slacks to fully express himself.

  • Emphathy
    Voice Name: Harmony Grace

    Harmony Grace is a 55-year-old woman with a sweet and soft-spoken demeanor, always wearing a warm smile. Her long, curled brunette hair falls to the middle of her back, and she dons circular glasses with a black frame. With an olive skin tone, deep blue eyes, and a slightly plump, pear-shaped build, she exhibits sunspots, freckles, and the beginnings of crow's feet.

    Speech Pattern:
    Motherly aura and voice, soft, light, and easy to understand. Conveys emotions clearly, with the ability to be stern when needed.

    Harmony Grace exudes comfort and warmth, resembling a maternal figure. She is usually seen in skirts, dresses, or sweaters, favoring light and warm colors like yellows and oranges. Her clothing features patterns of flowers, fruits, or any cute little things she finds appealing.

  • Kindness
    Voice Name: Serene Willow

    Serene Willow is a 26-year-old woman with an old soul, radiating wisdom and resilience beyond her years. Her firetruck red dyed hair falls just above her hips, and she stands at 5'8". With paler white skin and dark green eyes resembling moss, she exudes a gentle strength.

    Speech Pattern:
    Soft-spoken but firm in decisions and life choices. Expresses kindness and strength in every word.

    Serene Willow is a volunteer at homeless shelters, living comfortably and embodying a cottage core aesthetic in her clothing choices—sweaters, long skirts, dresses, and sun hats. Her signature outfit is a striped sweater in earthy tones paired with a mushroom-patterned long skirt, Mary Jane shoes, and tights. Known for daily acts of kindness, she helps those in need, from assisting someone cross the road to offering ideas for good deals or paying for food for those in need.

  • Imagination
    Voice Name: Sparkle Sprout

    Sparkle Sprout is a 6-year-old boy, standing at 3'4". His curly red hair is always poofed up, and freckles adorn his growing body, especially around his wide, bright, deep brown eyes. His infectious smile radiates a sense of wonder.

    Speech Pattern:
    High-pitched, typical young boy tone. Expresses crazy and out-of-this-world ideas with contagious laughter, resembling a roll of giggles.

    Sparkle Sprout embodies a wonder child's energy, seeing the world's potential in every way. He loves thinking of crazy and imaginative ideas. His clothes feature bright colors, with randomly placed brightly colored bandaids covering scrapes from play. His favorite outfit includes a striped red and yellow t-shirt under patched green and yellow overalls. White socks with a red stripe peek out above velcro-strapped tennis shoes, and he often has paint spots from enjoying art supplies.

Lucy's Intelligence
A detailed description of each "Intelligence" inner voice inside Lucy's head.
  • Booksmart
    Voice Name: Echo Sage

    Echo Sage is a 19-year-old male, recently hitting 5'11" in his growth spurt. With shaggy blonde hair reaching his shoulders, light hazel eyes with specks of blue, and two moles near his left eye, he presents a groomed appearance. Acne scarring is fading around his nose, and his ghostly white skin reflects his preference for staying indoors.

    Speech Pattern:
    Aloof and reserved, speaks only when necessary. Hollow, flat, and monotone tone, becoming even quieter and colder if emotions are expressed, especially when angered.

    Echo Sage appears constantly angry due to his resting bitch face, but it's more about difficulty regulating emotions externally. Emotionally closeted, he remains focused, showcasing a muted and almost mute demeanor. Always wearing glasses that change with light, he opts for regular graphic tees featuring artworks from shows or books he loves, paired with simple cargo pants and high-top shoes.

  • Conceptual
    Voice Name: Luna Enigma

    Luna Enigma is a 53-year-old woman, standing at barely 5'3" with a frail frame and a slight hunch. She has thin and saggy skin around her orange hazel eyes, chin, and arms. Her stark white hair is styled in a short bob, shorter in the back and longer in the front. Natural-looking makeup, including blush, concealer, lipstick, eyeshadow, and eyeliner, complements her appearance.

    Speech Pattern:
    Energetic and calculated, with a curiosity that manifests as a calm demeanor. Observant and always learning, she exudes a sense of curiosity and intelligence.

    Luna Enigma, despite being halfway through her lifespan, is an energetic woman. Her calculated and curious nature is evident as she observes and learns from everyone and everything. Constantly reading books on various theories of the world, her mind is always active with different ideas and curiosities. She dresses in corporate office clothes, favoring long sleek trousers, a soft blouse, a blazer jacket, and small-heeled shoes with a pop of color. Luna wears different but simple and noticeable jewelry, making subtle yet impactful statements.

  • Drama
    Voice Name: Harmony Echo

    Harmony Echo is a 35-year-old male with a 'dad bod,' standing at 6'2". His larger frame combines softness and plumpness with a layer of muscle. Slicked-back black hair, a trimmed beard, and light blue eyes contribute to his charismatic appearance. Sunkissed, tanned skin is adorned with dark body hair, more prominently on his arms and occasionally on his chest.

    Speech Pattern:
    Medium-toned voice, full of emotion. Exhibits a fun and goofy personality, with the ability to turn serious instantly. Skilled in changing his voice dramatically for character impersonations.

    Harmony Echo has the vibrant personality of a theater student, always fun and goofy but capable of seriousness. His smile is a constant, and he takes good care of himself. His favorite outfit is a simple striped button-up with rolled-up sleeves, paired with blue jeans, a brown leather belt, and regular tennis shoes. Adorned with rings, he has a specific one he fidgets with daily, and small gold hoops on his ears.

  • Logic
    Voice Name: Precision Sage

    Precision Sage is a 32-year-old woman with a confident 5'11" stature and a faint hourglass figure. Her curly dirty blonde hair falls just past her shoulders and bounces with every movement. Rectangular glasses adorn her face, and her smooth skin is well taken care of, with a few past scarring spots from acne and minor cuts.

    Speech Pattern:
    Calculated tone with a southern twang, always calm and collected. Prefers hard facts and evidence over gut feelings or fairy tales. Offers logical solutions even if they might not be well-received.

    Precision Sage is known for her calm and collected demeanor, especially in stressful situations where she excels at finding logical solutions. She leans heavily on hard facts and evidence, dismissing gut feelings and fairy tales. Her high-chic clothing style reflects an expensive taste but is more about top brands than flashy items. She opts for bland, simple blouses and pants, avoiding makeup and jewelry.

  • Persuasion
    Voice Name: Enchanting Ember

    Enchanting Ember is a 61-year-old male, standing tall at 6'0" with a softer form that reveals strength when needed. Dark brown eyes complement his short chestnut brown hair, which has a salt-and-pepper effect extending into his beard and mustache. A scar on the outer corner of his upper lip tells a story he's more than willing to share over a drink.

    Speech Pattern:
    Soft yet gruff tone with a charismatic pull, like a people magnet. Easily persuades and influences people's views and emotions. His voice carries a hint of gravel in his throat.

    Enchanting Ember is a people magnet, easily liked by everyone he talks to. His ability to help, persuade, and influence others is unmatched. He presents himself in a stylish and well-cleaned suit, often in black, and occasionally switches to a tight t-shirt and slacks with sunglasses for a relaxed yet charming look. Always ready to share a smirk and a wink.

Lucy's Physiology
A detailed description of each "Physiology" inner voice inside Lucy's head.
  • Intuition
    Voice Name: Intuitive Whisper

    Intuitive Whisper is a mysterious woman in her late 30s, exuding an air of enigmatic intuition. Her features hold an ineffable quality, and her gaze suggests a profound understanding that transcends the visible. Every step she takes seems guided by an unseen force.

    Speech Pattern:
    Measured and insightful, Intuitive Whisper communicates in a deliberate manner, often employing metaphors to convey the depth of her intuition. Her words carry a tranquil yet compelling cadence that captivates those who listen.

    Fascinated by the mysteries of life, Intuitive Whisper possesses a profound sense of understanding that goes beyond the ordinary. Her measured and insightful nature allows her to navigate the intricacies of existence with ease. She embraces the unknown, weaving a tapestry of wisdom that transcends the tangible.

  • Preservation
    Voice Name: Resilient Guardian

    Resilient Guardian is a determined man in his early 40s, standing with a sturdy frame and an aura of preparedness. At 6'0", he exudes strength and readiness for whatever challenges may come his way. His features reflect a resilience forged through experience, with a few visible scars telling tales of endurance.

    Speech Pattern:
    Firm and decisive, Resilient Guardian speaks with a conviction that echoes his determination. His words carry a steady and resolute tone, providing a sense of assurance even in the face of adversity.

    Resilient Guardian embodies tenacity and self-reliance, prepared to endure challenges for the sake of survival. His firm and decisive nature makes him adept at facing adversity head-on, always ready to stand as a bulwark against life's uncertainties. A man of few words, his actions speak volumes about his commitment to resilience and preparedness.

  • Perception
    Voice Name: Insightful Observer

    Insightful Observer is an observant woman in her early 40s, standing with exceptional clarity and insight. At 5'7", she possesses an attentive demeanor, and her piercing gaze seems to capture details that escape others. Her features exude an air of perceptiveness, with eyes that reflect a profound understanding.

    Speech Pattern:
    Depth and insight characterize Insightful Observer's speech, as she communicates with clarity and precision. Her words carry a nuanced quality, capturing the subtleties that often go unnoticed. Each sentence is a deliberate exploration of the world around her.

    Observant and detail-oriented, Insightful Observer thrives on understanding the nuances of her surroundings. Her keen perception allows her to grasp intricate details that others might overlook. With a commitment to unraveling the layers of reality, she navigates life with a profound sense of clarity and understanding.

  • Reaction
    Voice Name: Swift Instinct

    Swift Instinct is an agile man in his late 20s, standing with a nimble and responsive physique. At 5'10", he exudes an aura of quick-witted readiness. His features reflect a sense of agility, and his eyes hold a sharpness that hints at an ability to react swiftly to any situation.

    Speech Pattern:
    Rapid and succinct, Swift Instinct communicates with a sharp and decisive tone. His words are like arrows, hitting their mark with precision. Each sentence is a testament to his quick-witted nature.

    Quick-witted and decisive, Swift Instinct thrives on the ability to act swiftly in the face of challenges. His sharp and responsive nature makes him adept at navigating unpredictable situations with ease. Always ready for the next move, he approaches life with a dynamic and agile mindset.

  • Composure
    Voice Name: Serene Guardian

    Serene Guardian is a serene woman in her mid-50s, standing at 5'5" with an unbreakable will. Despite her seemingly delicate frame, her features reflect an inner strength that radiates composure. Her eyes hold a soothing gaze, and her demeanor exudes tranquility.

    Speech Pattern:
    Soothing and composed, Serene Guardian communicates with a calm and steady tone. Her words are like a gentle stream, conveying a sense of peace even in turbulent moments. Each sentence is delivered with unwavering composure.

    Calm and collected, Serene Guardian serves as a pillar of strength in chaotic situations. Her ability to maintain composure in the face of adversity provides grounding for those around her. With an unwavering will, she navigates life with tranquility, offering solace and stability to those in need.

Lucy's Sexuality
A detailed description of each "Sexuality" inner voice inside Lucy's head.
  • Endurance
    Voice Name: Steadfast Sentinel

    Steadfast Sentinel is a robust man in his early 30s, standing at 6'1" with a physique built for endurance. His features reflect a tenacious spirit, and the lines of determination etched on his face speak of unwavering perseverance. Despite the wear and tear, he exudes an enduring strength.

    Speech Pattern:
    Steady and enduring, Steadfast Sentinel communicates with a resolute tone that conveys perseverance. His words are a testament to his unyielding spirit, each sentence reflecting a commitment to facing challenges head-on.

    Tenacious and persistent, Steadfast Sentinel thrives on pushing through challenges. His robust nature allows him to endure the trials of life with unwavering strength. Whether facing physical or mental hurdles, he approaches each obstacle with resilience, embodying the spirit of endurance in every aspect of his being.

  • Trauma
    Voice Name: Compassionate Healer

    Compassionate Healer is a woman in her late 40s with a compassionate aura and the strength to manage trauma. Standing at 5'8", her features reflect warmth and understanding. Her eyes, though having witnessed pain, hold a deep well of empathy. A comforting presence, her essence exudes the healing power of compassion.

    Speech Pattern:
    Empathetic and comforting, Compassionate Healer speaks with a soothing and gentle tone. Her words are like a balm, offering comfort and understanding. Each sentence is infused with the healing touch of empathy.

    Compassionate and supportive, Compassionate Healer navigates the complexities of trauma with a tender heart. Her ability to provide comfort and solace to those in pain is unparalleled. With a deep understanding of the human experience, she offers a compassionate presence that aids in healing the wounds of both body and soul.

  • Submissive
    Voice Name: Gentle Follower

    Gentle Follower is a yielding woman in her early 30s, standing at 5'6" with a willingness to be led by others. Her features exude humility and cooperation. With a gentle demeanor, she carries an air of receptivity and respect for authority.

    Speech Pattern:
    Polite and humble, Gentle Follower communicates with a soft and respectful tone. Her words are carefully chosen, conveying a willingness to cooperate and follow. Each sentence reflects her yielding nature, seeking harmony in interactions.

    Cooperative and yielding, Gentle Follower thrives in environments where harmony prevails. Her humility and respect for authority make her a reliable team player. Always ready to follow the lead of others, she navigates life with a gentle and cooperative spirit, fostering unity and understanding.

  • Addict
    Voice Name: Urgent Craving

    Urgent Craving is a man in his late 20s, grappling with strong urges towards specific vices. Standing at 5'9", his features reflect the internal struggles he faces. Despite the external turmoil, there's an undeniable intensity in his gaze, hinting at the relentless cravings within.

    Speech Pattern:
    Urgent and expressive, Urgent Craving communicates with a tone that conveys the urgency of his desires. His words mirror the internal battles, each sentence revealing the powerful pull of addictive tendencies.

    Struggling with addictive tendencies, Urgent Craving faces an internal battle against powerful urges. His expressive nature reflects the urgency and intensity of his cravings. Despite the challenges, he confronts each day with acknowledgment and a persistent effort to navigate the complexities of addiction.

  • Brave
    Voice Name: Fearless Voyager

    Fearless Voyager is a man in his early 30s, blessed with the ability to overcome a fear of new things. Standing at 6'0", his features exude a fearless spirit and a readiness to embrace the unknown. His eyes reflect a relentless determination in the face of danger.

    Speech Pattern:
    Confident and resolute, Fearless Voyager communicates with a tone that embodies courage. His words carry a fearless cadence, unafraid to confront challenges head-on. Each sentence is a testament to his unwavering bravery.

    Unyielding in the face of new experiences, Fearless Voyager thrives on overcoming fears. His fearless spirit allows him to navigate uncharted territories with relentless determination. Confronting danger head-on, he embodies the essence of bravery in every aspect of his being.