1. Login to OpenSea with your wallet
If you want to trade or own Cathouse Club NFTs on OpenSea, you will need to use a Metamask wallet (or any other digital wallet that stores ERC-721 tokens). To log in to OpenSea with Metamask, follow these steps:
1. Go to the OpenSea website and click "Sign In" in the top right corner.
2. Click the "Metamask" logo.
3. Enter your email and password and click "Sign In".
If you want to trade Etherium (ETH) for Wrapped Etherium (WETH), you need to use a marketplace like OpenSea.
Follow this guide on OpenSea to convert your ETH into WETH
You've now converted your Etherium into Wrapped Etherium on OpenSea and are ready to Buy Cathouse Club NFT.
3. Open Cathouse Club collection on OpenSea
Once inside the collection look for any NFT you like and make sure it's still owned by Cathouse Club.
Make an offer of 0.1 WETH and wait until Cathouse Club processes the offer.
Use this guide on OpenSea to find out how to make an offer