Bianca Diaz

Occupation: Hair Dresser

Gender: Female | Ethnicity: Latina

Age: 27 | Hair: Brown | Eyes: Brown

Cup: 34C | Weight: 127 lb | Height: 5’7”

Zodiac: Libra | Centaury: 21st

Bianca was raised by a single mother in Havana Cuba with her older and younger sister, Alicia and Clara. Her father was never really in the picture and her mother refused to speak about him. Her mother was a force to be reckoned with loud, eccentric, and strong-willed. She commanded the room and raised her daughters to be the same. Her older sister acted as a second mother to Bianca and her younger sister, often looking after them while their mother worked to support them. Her youngest sister, the baby of the family, was shy and timid despite her older sister’s boldness.
“I am too young and I’ve loved you too much.”

Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Bianca's Background
Growing up in Cuba during such a tumultuous time put a lot of stress on the small family. Food was scarce and expensive. They toed the very edge of poverty and struggled to make ends meet. They were moved to the slums of Havana and were forced to adapt to the more crime-heavy neighborhoods of their home. In an effort to help out her family, Bianca’s older sister married young. Her husband had offered to ensure money was sent to Bianca’s mother to care for the other two girls and Alicia jumped at the opportunity to save her family. However, her new husband was a cruel and temperamental man. Alicia was often caught in the crossfire in her attempts to sooth the angry man, but this often incited violence from her husband. The promised money soon stopped and left the family even more impoverished.
After a night of violent beatings, Alicia came to Bianca and Clara for help. The sisters decided to get the oldest out of her abusive marriage and back home and soon set out under the cover of darkness to pack her things. However, before they could get all her belongings, Alicia’s husband returned home to find her bags packed. Enraged, her husband turned his violence on all three of the sisters despite Alicia’s screams of protest. Alicia grabbed her husband’s gun from its hiding spot beneath the bed and threatened to kill him if he did not let her sister go. Despite her fierce words, she was unable to fire the gun and her husband began to beat her mercilessly. Clara grabbed for the gun and fired it blindly to end the violence. The bullet struck Alicia’s husband dead, but had hit Alicia as well. Alicia bled out on the floor while her sister’s cradled her form. Horrified by what she had done, Clara turned to drugs to escape the reality of killing her sister.

Bianca struggled to reach her younger sister. Her mother pleaded with her to get Clara clean, to bring her home, but Clara was uninterested. She spiraled further and further until she finally overdosed. Bianca found her a few days later in an abandoned building after searching for her missing sister through the night. Bianca continued to struggle to support herself and her mother in Havana until she met an American tourist by the name of Lucas. He is enamored by her and is desperate to woo her. Bianca wasn’t used to the positive attention and found herself wanted for the first time in a long time. Lucas wants to take her away from her problems, her life, Havana, and Bianca is desperate for a way out. She tells her mother about him, but reassures her that she would never leave her. Bianca’s mother tells her to go so that she could be free of her. Leaving Cuba and her mother is bittersweet.
Bianca's Inner Voices
Bianca excels in her intelligence category. With max points in "Conceptualization", 9 points in "Trauma" & 9 points in "Endurance" Bianca is a fighter who has seen a lot.
[16] Psychology
[1] Authority
[5] Kindness
[2] Imagination
[7] Empathy
[1] Confidence
[24] Intelligence
[2] Booksmart
[2] Logic
[7] Persuasion
[3] Drama
[10] Conceptual 
[9] Physiology
[1] Intuition
[1] Preservation
[1] Perception
[5] Reaction
[1] Composure 
[25] Sexuality
[9] Endurance
[9] Trauma
[1] Submissive
[1] Addict
[5] Brave
Bianca's Inner Voices
  • +

    empathetic, determined, optimistic, passionate, generous
  • /

    flighty, dreamy, tough, familial
  • -

    naive, aimless, indecisive, hesitant, insecure
Havana, Cuba
Bianca’s mother blamed Bianca for Clara’s death. She was certain that, had Bianca not involved herself in Alicia’s marriage, Clara would not have fallen to drugs. Alicia, she had said, would have protected her sister. Despite this, Bianca was desperate to hold on to what little family she had left and endured the angry criticisms of her mother. She was her mother, after all, and Bianca needed to care for her.
Wardrobe & Clothing
Bianca Diaz is a very difficult woman to miss. With bright, bold, and colorful outfits, Bianca knows how to make a statement and how to stand out.
Bianca’s wardrobe is full of loud, flashy, and daring hues. She gravitates towards interesting patterns, though tends to favor bold florals and eccentric color-blocking. It is very rare to find her in anything without color. Bianca uses her clothes to have fun and express her inner child. She believes if she covers herself in cheerful colors, nothing can darken her light. 

This love of color and bold patterns doesn’t stop at her day-to-day fashion. The lingerie she wears at her job is often bright and dramatic. She loves sparkles, lace, and any other gaudy details included in some lingerie sets.
She has a more feminine style and can often be found wearing fun, flowy dresses to combat the Miami heat. Unafraid of showing skin, Bianca often sports colorful bralettes and shorts in her day to day life. No outfit of Bianca’s is complete without sunglasses and she seems to have a never ending supply of big, bold frames always perched on her nose or pushed back into her hair. Comfort is never really a concern of Bianca’s and she often wears impractical shoes or uncomfortably tight clothes. Bianca’s clothes are not always the most well made. She tends to buy cheaper outfits, accessories, and shoes as she does not see the point in spending money on non-essential items, no matter how much she enjoys playing with fashion. Bianca does not have anything sentimental she wears and is never worried about losing or ruining what she has.

Physical Description

Description coming soon
Body Size
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Skin Tone
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Description coming soon
Description coming soon
Hair Style
Description coming soon


Bianca works at a "Barber Shop" located in the downtown Los Angeles Area
Hair Dresser
Lucas and Bianca soon marry and settle in Miami Florida, but the dazzling haze of new love soon fades. Lucas’s sweet nature and charming personality erodes away to reveal an angry and abusive man. Struck by the similarities between him and Alicia’s husband, Bianca is too afraid to leave. It takes the convincing and support of Bianca’s friends before she is able to escape.

On her own in Miami, Bianca struggled being on her own for the first time in her life. She was unwilling to return to Cuba or abandon her new life in the US. Bianca dreams of New York, the city of promise and new beginning and is desperate to find work so she can save enough to move to NYC. Stumbling across a salon, Bianca was entranced by the hairdressers clad in nothing but lingerie and aprons. Emboldened by their confidence and grace, Bianca applied for a position. She was eager to fight her insecurities about her own desirability and get past her fear of men.

For now she works as a hairdresser in Miami, saving everything she can to get to her next dream.
Wale Ayinla
you will open your wounds
and make them a garden
explain to the wind
the origin of pain
Attraction: Miami
Barber Shop
Step into the heart of our barbershop, where skill and tradition blend seamlessly to deliver top-notch grooming services.
Learn More
NFT Example
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